Member Comments:
The Fly was described in Flies, Ties, & Techniques: A Practical Guide To Tying 50
Irresistible Flies by Charles Jardine (ISBN-10: 0-7641-3906-1) which I recommend for fly
tying ideas.
Glen Gammill

Lee's Popping Perch, from Lee Weil
Hook: Streamer or Stinger, Size 2
Thread: Suitable for spinning, any color.
Body: Deer body hair; Green, Yellow, White
and Red (Optional).
Tail: Four dark green saddle hackles.
Legs: White rubber legs material.
Tying Instructions:
Step 1: Make a thread base on your
hook shank. This will keep the hair
from spinning completely around the
hook; you’ll understand why later. Tie
in 4 rubber legs at tail, about ¼ inch
longer than you hackles.
Step 2: On each side of rubber legs tie
in 2 of the saddle hackles, splayed
outward. Keep the tied in materials as
sparse as possible.
Step 3: Turn fly upside down in vise
and tie in a bunch of white deer hair on
bottom of hook directly under tied in
materials, allowing it to flare by pulling
thread tight and holding the hair in
Step 4: Turn fly right side up and tie in
a small bunch of green deer hair
directly on top of white hair the same
way. Pack these 2 bunches tightly
towards rear at base of tail by pushing
with your finger nail or a hair packer
Step 5: Repeat step 3 with another
batch of white hair, then step 4 with a
bunch of yellow hair.
Repeat these steps until you have a
body built, alternating the green and
yellow bunches on top and using the
white only on the bottom.
Member's Comments:
If you look up the word "Tenacious" in the dictionary you will find a picture of
the Smallmouth bass. These fish are without a doubt the hardest fighting
freshwater adversary on the planet. They will strike any type of fly or lure with a
vengeance, and once hooked will battle to the bitter end, often throwing the
hook back in your face just as you bring them to hand. These qualities make
them my favorite quarry, and I will go to great lengths to pursue them. As for
choosing your arsenal, I prefer to use a 7 weight or heavier rod, as these fish
will fight to the point of exhaustion if played on a light rod.
Since they are so aggressive they will take almost any pattern, but one of the
flies I tied this year seemed to be especially effective, especially during the
early morning. I call it the “Popping Perch” because of its action and color. It is
a very basic fly and if you have learned to spin deer hair you should have no
trouble. If you haven’t learned to spin, then it’s time to learn!
Lee Weil