Gil's Deceiver, from Gil Padovani
Hook: SW 2/0 to 2
Thread: Green flat waxed nylon
Tail: Four yellow saddle hackles
Body: Green floss
Ribbing: Gold tinsel, braid
Throat: Red Khrystal Flash
Underwing: Yellow bucktail
Overwing: Green bucktail
Top Dressing: Pearl Krystal Flash
Member's Comments:
I designed this fly in 2005 soon after returning from a week of salmon spring fishing on
Canada's Miramichi River. While there, I was using a local green and yellow fly called
the "Renous Special" while Jim Slade, my fishing partner and the best salmon
fisherman I ever saw, was using (to the amazement of most locals) Lefty's Deceivers
saltwater flies in various colors but all with the traditional white hackle tails.
Since we both out-fished everyone at the Lodge that year, I thought about combining
the two patterns, meaning the colors of the Renous and the shape of the Deceiver. So,
for the following year (2006), I tied one Gil's Deceiver prototype.
In the Spring of 2006, I started to fish using several salmon traditional patterns with no
luck. I then switched to the Gil's Deceiver prototype and, within a half hour or so, I
hooked and released one salmon and two grilse. Unfortunately, soon after that, I
somehow lost my prototype fly and had to go back to using the traditional Miramichi
salmon flies.
As soon as I got home, I tied three Gil's Deceiver flies. Then, my friend, past LIFR
President and best fly tyer I know Lee Weil offered to tie me a dozen more. Of course,
that was an offer I couldn't refuse.
Hopefully, in 2007, this fly will perform a well as it did in 2006.
Gil Padovani